Articles at conferences
A reduction from Hawk to the principal ideal problem in a quaternion algebra, with C. Chevignard, G. Mureau, H. Pliatsok, T. Espitau and A. Pellet--Mary.
Eurocrypt 2025. ePrint version
NB: merging ideas from ePrint 2024/1147 and this work -
Public-key encryption from LIP (extended abstract), with L. Ackermann and A. Roux-Langlois.
WCC 2024. -
Cryptanalysis of rank-2 Module-LIP in totally real number fields, with G. Mureau, A. Pellet-Mary, H. Pliatsok.
EuroCrypt 2024. ePrint version -
On Gaussian sampling, smoothing parameter, and application to signatures, with T. Espitau and Y. Yu.
AsiaCrypt 2023. (Best paper award) eprint version -
Antrag: Annular NTRU Trapdoor Generation, with T. Espitau, Q. Nguyen, C. Sun, and M. Tibouchi.
AsiaCrypt 2023. ePrint version -
Shorter Hash-and-Sign Lattice-Based Signatures, with T. Espitau, M. Tibouchi and Y. Yu.
Crypto 2022. ePrint version -
Mitaka: A Simpler, Parallelizable, Maskable Variant of Falcon, with T. Espitau, P.A. Fouque, F. Gérard, M. Rossi, A. Takahashi, M. Tibouchi and Y. Yu.
EuroCrypt 2022. ePrint version -
MODFALCON: compact signatures based on module-NTRU lattices, with C. Chuengsatiansup, T. Prest, D. Stehlé, and K. Xagawa.
AsiaCCS 2020. ePrint version -
Key Recovery from Gram-Schmidt Norm Leakage in Hash-and-Sign Signatures over NTRU Lattices, with P-A. Fouque, P. Kirchner, M. Tibouchi and Y. Yu.
EuroCrypt 2020. ePrint version -
An LLL Algorithm for Module Lattices, with C. Lee, A. Pellet--Mary and D. Stehlé.
AsiaCrypt 2019. Selected for extended version in Journal of Cryptology.
ePrint version -
On the Ring-LWE and Polynomial-LWE problems, with M. Rosca and D. Stehlé.
EuroCrypt 2018. ePrint version -
Improved Sieving over Algebraic Curves, with V. Vitse.
LatinCrypt 2015. Hal version
Journal articles
One Bit is All It Takes: A Devastating Timing Attack on BLISS's Non-Constant Time Sign Flips, with M. Tibouchi. Full version.
Journal of Mathematical Cryptology. -
On the smoothing parameter and last minimum of random orthogonal lattices, with E. Kirshanova, H. Nguyen, and D. Stehlé.
Design, Codes and Cryptography (DCC). ePrint version -
The Point Decomposition Problem in the divisor class group of Hyperelliptic curves: towards efficient computations in even characteristic, with J-C. Faugère.
Design, Codes and Cryptography (DCC). Preprint
Notes, ePrints, Workshops.
A reduction from Hawk to the principal ideal problem in a quaternion algebra, with C. Chevignard, P-A. Fouque, G. Mureau and A. Pellet--Mary.
ePrint -
Antrag: Simplifying and improving Falcon without compromising security, with T. Espitau, J. Guiton, Q. Nguyen, C. Sun and M. Tibouchi.
5th NIST PQC Standardization Conference. -
Mitaka: A Simpler, Parallelizable, Maskable Variant of Falcon, with T. Espitau, A. Takahashi, M. Tibouchi.
3rd NIST PQC Standardization Conference. Draft -
Lattice analysis on MiNTRU problem, with C. Lee. 2020.
ePrint -
One Bit is All It Takes: A Devastating Timing Attack on BLISS's Non-Constant Time Sign Flips, with M. Tibouchi.
MathCrypt 2019. ePrint version
Thesis manuscript
- The Point Decomposition Problem in Jacobian Varieties, 2016.
Hal version
Invited talks
"Sums of squares and module lattices isomorphisms, Mathematics for Post-Quantum Cryptography, Budapest University, 05/08/2024. Slides
"Petit panorama de la cryptographie post-quantique, Ecole Polytechnique, 06/03/2023, intervention dans le cours de cyber-sécurité. Slides
Do not overstretch NTRU-like problems, Post-Quantum Cryptography Workshop, Birmingham University, 21-25/03/2022. Slides
- Module-NTRU trapdoors and applications, international workshop "Lattices: From Theory to Practice". Simons Institute, Berkeley, 29/04/2020 (visio-conference). Slides, Video
Some code
- Proof-of-concept of the attack against rank 2 Mod-Lip, including a Gentry-Szydlo implementation: ModLipAttack
- C code for signature recovering against BLISS: OneBitBliss
- Magma code for decomposition algorithms: